
The Scheduler calendar module was designed with an intuitive interface for managing reservations and the complex rules that often go hand-in-hand with them.

  • Users can make/edit their own bookings in just a few clicks, using our easy-to-use Graphical Calendar Display
  • Our calendar can show ALL your resources simultaneously in a single screen
  • Different resource states are designated by different colors for easy viewing
  • Rolling the mouse over booked appointments displays all details of the booking
  • As admin, you can make bookings for any user.
  • Admins can edit/cancel any existing appointments.
  • Admins can add cyclic "Maintenance" or "Down-time" separately for each resource so that all users can view it.


Rules provides several built-in validation rules that can be applied to the schedules.

  • It automatically warns users if they violate a rule.
  • Rules allows admins to set limits such as the time per booking, hours per week, etc
  • Admins can easily set the amounts for cancellation fees and no-show penalties.
  • They can allocate special "prime time" periods for each day of the week, for high user demand
  • Admins can also have multiple rule configurations, each with their own set of validation rules
  • Admins can override validation rules.


LabUsage, our copyrighted cross-platform tool, can be set to automatically track actual usage on each resource connected to an instrument. This helps in billing resources with very fine precision.

  • It records actual "Application" usage, and not just System-level login/logouts.
  • Tracks usage with precision, down to seconds.
  • Truly cross-platform: can work on Windows, Mac and Linux-based machines.
  • Has provisions in case of unforeseen events such as a computer crash, computer log-out, or hard shutdown.
  • In case of a network outage, it can work in Manual mode which allows admins to login for users.
  • If a machine does not have internet access (offline), admins can manually upload usage logs for it.

Work Order Requests & Sample Submission

  • Submission of Samples, Work Orders and Service Requests via custom web-based forms provided by the system
  • Confirmation of Sample Preparation as per Core Instructions & Guidelines

Workflow Tracking Module

  • Admins and users can then track their own service requests or samples or work orders through the system.
  • Tracking is done in real time as samples or work requests are being processed.


This module allows administrators to generate Invoices and Bills.

  • Provides admins the ability to export billing to CSV, XLS, HTML formats
  • Admins can easily change the Charge Rate, Penalties imposed, etc
  • Perform custom searches on billing data over parameters like schedule-date, username, resource-name, lab-name, etc
  • Export all your custom search results to CSV, XLS, HTML formats
  • Automatically generate professional custom invoices for your users at the click of a button
  • Email out automatically generated invoices directly to your users

Reports & Charts

This feature allows administrators to generate various reports & graphs based on the usage pattern of each instrument.

  • View the relation between various criteria such as schedules, usages, revenue, instruments, users, labs, etc.
  • Save the results as XLS, DOCX, PDF or as an image.
  • Admins can analyze these reports & develop more effective services & validation rules.

Financial Integration

  • With this Module, your BookMyLab account can easily integrate with your institution’s Financial software such as SAP, Oracle, etc so that billing data and invoices can directly be sent to the Financial Department.

Inventory Module

  • Inventory Module allows Admins and users to track the stockroom supplies, and place orders from the inventory according to that
  • Tracking is done in real time.

Setup Module

The Setup module consists of 4 parts that allow Administrators to set up their Cores or Labs in the system

  • People/User Management module allows Core Facilities to enter information on each User and on the Admins.
  • Core Management Module allows Admins to enter Core specific information such as the Description of the facility, charges & fees, pictures of instruments, etc
  • Project Management Module enables Admins to set up the details of each project or internal account code, such as information about internal grants.
  • Communications Module lets Admins send emails to specific users or to all users. The system emails out calendar events to users and it integrates with their Outlook, Gmail and iCal calendars.

Interlock Access Control

  • This Modules provides hardware control such as an interlock or smart switch which allows controlled access to instruments/devices or resources (e.g. clean rooms) where you need this kind of access.
  • The access can be linked to the Scheduling Calendar and the Usage would be tracked based on the access.

Custom Solutions

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